
Add a Review

Please select a number from 1-5 (1 - Unacceptable, 2 - Needs improvement, 3 - Meets expectations, 4 - Exceeds expectations, 5 - Outstanding):

I agree to allow Center for Vein Wellness, Center for Advanced Wound Care, Luxe Aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa, Center for Advanced Hair Restoration, S-Sculpt Cosmetic & Medical Institute, Dr Shah and their marketing team to use the survey and testimonial on websites owned by these practices. If needed, I will also allow a user profile to be created on my behalf in order to submit my review to trusted medical review websites (such as but not limited to Google,, and I will allow my name (first name and last name’s initial (not full name)) to be used solely for the purpose of submitting this review online on such websites. This survey WILL NOT be shared with other companies or websites other than for the sole purposes of online reviews.